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Christian Weisgerber <naddy@mips.inka.de>
Re: What's obstructing me?
Fri, 2 Oct 2020 00:17:02 +0200

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Stefan Sperling:

> You have a corrupt file index entry which was written by some version
> of Got from before the above commit, and this corruption has been
> copied along ever since.

> 	   $ mv .got/file-index .got/file-index.bad
> 	   $ got update # re-create .got/file-index
> 	   $ find. -type f -exec touch {}\; # update timestamp of all files
> 	   $ got update # sync timestamps
> After running these commands, your work tree should behave as expected again.


Let's suggest the aggregated pathnames syntax:

diff 6879ba4225a833ea466b3512329293abfd9bf33a /home/naddy/got
blob - 69154191370ec97343639195d271b19d60f6ece4
file + got/got-worktree.5
--- got/got-worktree.5
+++ got/got-worktree.5
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ A corrupt or missing file index can be recreated on de
 .Dl $ mv .got/file-index .got/file-index.bad
 .Dl $ got update # re-create .got/file-index
-.Dl $ find\ . -type f -exec touch {}\ \\\ ; # update timestamp of all files
+.Dl $ find\ . -type f -exec touch {}\ + # update timestamp of all files
 .Dl $ got update # sync timestamps
 When the file index is modified, it is read into memory in its entirety,
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          naddy@mips.inka.de