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Christian Weisgerber <naddy@mips.inka.de>
Re: got send failure
Sat, 28 Aug 2021 23:35:13 +0200

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Stefan Sperling:

> Thank you for the pack file (sent offlist).
> There are two blobs in the generated pack which do not match IDs listed
> by the add_meta() debug patch. These objects do however contain code that
> looks like it represents different versions of the relevant files.
> I don't yet understand how this can happen.
> The objects I have found in your pack file are:
> histedit.sh b537e75f7e7476cd4f58eb269d7685cfacc659ff
> rebase.sh cfa90dd4cb1ad9c80395ebf594f2e8c0cdb7a1b0
> These objects don't exist in my repositories.

They don't exist here either.

$ got cat b537e75f7e7476cd4f58eb269d7685cfacc659ff
got: b537e75f7e7476cd4f58eb269d7685cfacc659ff: object not found
$ got cat cfa90dd4cb1ad9c80395ebf594f2e8c0cdb7a1b0
got: cfa90dd4cb1ad9c80395ebf594f2e8c0cdb7a1b0: object not found

> For reference, the list below shows the ID's which add_meta() was
> looking at. Apart from histedit.sh and rebase.sh the IDs of objects
> shipped in the pack file are the same.

Those IDs look sensible.  In particular,

7de2767444a19ea67be04143f1677a1e6e9a08d7 histedit.sh
adcd68a54d1b7782e58f25d336933c2a3002a40b rebase.sh

should be included in the pack file.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          naddy@mips.inka.de