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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Re: process deltas in compressed form
Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name>
Wed, 04 May 2022 16:47:41 +0200

Download raw body.

Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name> wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2022 at 02:02:44PM +0200, Omar Polo wrote:
> > i'm happy about hte change, but i remember 'gotadmin pack -a' working on
> > a 4GB /tmp partition:
> > 
> > % df -h | fgrep /tmp
> > /dev/sd1d      3.9G    6.8M    3.7G     0%    /tmp
> > % /usr/local/bin/gotadmin -V
> > gotadmin 0.68
> > % time /usr/local/bin/gotadmin pack -a
> > 219498 commits colored; 2088729 objects found; 1010361 trees scanned
> > packing 5 references; 2088729 objects; deltify: 100%; writing pack: 1.2G 100%
> > Wrote fe8e346aa0f23dc77371a3ad76f5bcea7d5ea071.pack
> >  1.2G packed; indexing 100%; resolving deltas 100%
> For me packing src.git creates a 2.4G pack and that blows up /tmp.
> No idea why your pack is that much smaller. Perhaps your pack we are
> reusing was created with more aggressive deltification parameters?

I may have created my ~/git/src.git with `git clone --bare', it's been a
while and I don't really remember, sorry.

To be sure thought I've just re-cloned and it's still the same:

    % got clone ssh://git@github.com/openbsd/src src.git
    % cd src.git
    % /usr/local/bin/gotadmin -V
    gotadmin 0.69
    % time /usr/local/bin/gotadmin pack -a
    219540 commits colored; 2089108 objects found; 1010577 trees scanned
    packing 4 references; 2089108 objects; deltify: 100%; writing pack:
    1.2G 100%
    Wrote f68f410311e353652d35a2249692928a5c5abe46.pack
     1.2G packed; indexing 100%; resolving deltas 100%
    Indexed f68f410311e353652d35a2249692928a5c5abe46.pack
       22m56.42s real    13m56.14s user     7m41.81s system

P.S.: your latest patch cuts `pack -a' down by almost 4 minutes on