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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
gotwebd: use prev_display instead of hardcoding d_i - 2
Tue, 22 Nov 2022 12:05:07 +0100

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Extracted for ease of review from a previous (pending) diff about
refactoring gotweb_render_index.

commit 0ceb1b9e49ae865b84f237977d7edbcaa9697161
from: Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
date: Tue Nov 22 11:00:49 2022 UTC
 gotwebd: use prev_disp to decide when to we've reached max_repos
 instead of hardcoding d_i - 2 and so expecting only "." and ".." as
 skipped entries, use t->prev_disp that is the number of repositories
 traversed until now (both skipped due to the pagination and the ones
 actually rendered.)
diff e18d071f3cc8912b9bfb6fb392689dc7394355dd 0ceb1b9e49ae865b84f237977d7edbcaa9697161
commit - e18d071f3cc8912b9bfb6fb392689dc7394355dd
commit + 0ceb1b9e49ae865b84f237977d7edbcaa9697161
blob - 7cb4b4aa6c9a239aeb25328ef01b302f2131753a
blob + fdc41cd4d2cb16ff84e4c42c6a8c826e6f239dc0
--- gotwebd/gotweb.c
+++ gotwebd/gotweb.c
@@ -1051,8 +1051,8 @@ gotweb_render_index(struct request *c)
 		goto done;
 	for (d_i = 0; d_i < d_cnt; d_i++) {
-		if (srv->max_repos > 0 && (d_i - 2) == srv->max_repos)
-			break; /* account for parent and self */
+		if (srv->max_repos > 0 && t->prev_disp == srv->max_repos)
+			break;
 		if (strcmp(sd_dent[d_i]->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
 		    strcmp(sd_dent[d_i]->d_name, "..") == 0)