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Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.com>
tog: echo input prompt to bottom left
Game of Trees <gameoftrees@openbsd.org>
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 00:28:35 +1100

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Related to the last but probably better as a separate commit: always
echo to the bottom left if in the child view of a vsplit.

I think we discussed this briefly a while back and the decision was to
echo to the bottom left irrespective of which view is active.

(This is on top of the previous but should apply cleanly either way.)

commit 7c43102bbdee741112b9fff47ec23acb42d1a8fd (main)
from: Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.dev>
date: Mon Dec 26 13:26:04 2022 UTC
 tog: echo input prompt to the bottom left of screen
 Irrespective of the active view, always echo to the bottom of the parent.
diff a14f7b3f31efe5e42bdc59f5e67d0d20469a1c69 7c43102bbdee741112b9fff47ec23acb42d1a8fd
commit - a14f7b3f31efe5e42bdc59f5e67d0d20469a1c69
commit + 7c43102bbdee741112b9fff47ec23acb42d1a8fd
blob - 3dbe897e48fdd71e921866059a833b96b7777482
blob + 90aaa1e85a54a8310a42a9808b283bd3580d4bda
--- tog/tog.c
+++ tog/tog.c
@@ -1304,6 +1304,8 @@ view_search_start(struct tog_view *view)
 	if (view_is_hsplit_top(view))
 		v = view->child;
+	else if (view->mode == TOG_VIEW_SPLIT_VERT && view->parent)
+		v = view->parent;
 	mvwaddstr(v->window, v->nlines - 1, 0, "/");

Mark Jamsek <fnc.bsdbox.org>
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