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Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.com>
gotd: minor indent and whitespace fix
Game of Trees <gameoftrees@openbsd.org>
Fri, 30 Dec 2022 15:58:33 +1100

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I caught this while reviewing stsp's "run gotd authentication in
a separate child process" diff last night but got called away before
I had the chance to finish.

I wanted to get this out before I forget it :)

commit d7f03b0912549f307edd27bd158ba189b4528f64 (main)
from: Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.dev>
date: Fri Dec 30 04:54:44 2022 UTC
 gotd: nix trailing whitespace and indentation fix
diff 365cf0f34d08316d433e730a8663283029f729b3 d7f03b0912549f307edd27bd158ba189b4528f64
commit - 365cf0f34d08316d433e730a8663283029f729b3
commit + d7f03b0912549f307edd27bd158ba189b4528f64
blob - 05f659daea632d0e305556351e4d6a5e97519fa0
blob + 527be61734a1ee11326dc2c4ba38eca80b3d080d
--- gotd/gotd.c
+++ gotd/gotd.c
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ wait_for_child(pid_t child_pid)
 		} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
 			log_warnx("child PID %ld terminated; signal %d",
 			    (long)pid, WTERMSIG(status));
-		}	
+		}
 	} while (pid != -1 || (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR));
@@ -2028,9 +2028,8 @@ gotd_dispatch_auth_child(int fd, short event, void *ar
 		proc_type = PROC_REPO_READ;
-	err = start_repo_child(client, proc_type, repo,
-		gotd.argv0, gotd.confpath, gotd.daemonize,
-		gotd.verbosity);
+	err = start_repo_child(client, proc_type, repo, gotd.argv0,
+	    gotd.confpath, gotd.daemonize, gotd.verbosity);
 	if (err)
 		log_warnx("uid %d: %s", client->euid, err->msg);
@@ -2260,7 +2259,7 @@ start_repo_child(struct gotd_client *client, enum gotd
 	if (proc_type != PROC_REPO_READ && proc_type != PROC_REPO_WRITE)
 		return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_NOT_IMPL, "bad process type");
 	proc = calloc(1, sizeof(*proc));
 	if (proc == NULL)
 		return got_error_from_errno("calloc");

Mark Jamsek <fnc.bsdbox.org>
GPG: F2FF 13DE 6A06 C471 CA80  E6E2 2930 DC66 86EE CF68