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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
templateify gotweb_render_tags
Sat, 07 Jan 2023 20:13:24 +0100

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  • Omar Polo:

    templateify gotweb_render_tags

As the other diff, this shouldn't introduce any change and should be
pretty strightforward.  Unlike other 'templatefications' however I
couldn't just bubble up the call to got_get_repo_tags to
gotweb_process_request since gotweb_render_tags is called by a few
places; that's why I kept gotweb_render_tags and introduced
gotweb_render_tags_tmpl to do the hard work.


P.S.: the diff to templateify the diff page is still pending :)

diff /home/op/w/got
commit - 1a99e0b4097b26cac736de07239a3be7589a48f7
path + /home/op/w/got
blob - a8fdd952ec48f1a229440e115de67205cf20f049
file + gotwebd/gotweb.c
--- gotwebd/gotweb.c
+++ gotwebd/gotweb.c
@@ -1331,13 +1331,9 @@ gotweb_render_tags(struct request *c)
 gotweb_render_tags(struct request *c)
 	const struct got_error *error = NULL;
-	struct repo_tag *rt = NULL;
 	struct server *srv = c->srv;
 	struct transport *t = c->t;
 	struct querystring *qs = t->qs;
-	struct repo_dir *repo_dir = t->repo_dir;
-	char *age = NULL, *tagname = NULL, *msg = NULL, *newline;
-	int r, commit_found = 0;
 	if (qs->action == BRIEFS) {
 		qs->action = TAGS;
@@ -1347,126 +1343,10 @@ gotweb_render_tags(struct request *c)
 	if (error)
 		goto done;
-	r = fcgi_printf(c, "<div id='tags_title_wrapper'>\n"
-	    "<div id='tags_title'>Tags</div>\n"
-	    "</div>\n"		/* #tags_title_wrapper */
-	    "<div id='tags_content'>\n");
-	if (r == -1)
+	if (gotweb_render_tags_tmpl(c->tp) == -1)
 		goto done;
-	if (t->tag_count == 0) {
-		r = fcgi_printf(c, "<div id='err_content'>%s\n</div>\n",
-		    "This repository contains no tags");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-	}
-	TAILQ_FOREACH(rt, &t->repo_tags, entry) {
-		if (commit_found == 0 && qs->commit != NULL) {
-			if (strcmp(qs->commit, rt->commit_id) != 0)
-				continue;
-			else
-				commit_found = 1;
-		}
-		error = gotweb_get_time_str(&age, rt->tagger_time, TM_DIFF);
-		if (error)
-			goto done;
-		tagname = rt->tag_name;
-		if (strncmp(tagname, "refs/tags/", 10) == 0)
-			tagname += 10;
-		error = gotweb_escape_html(&tagname, tagname);
-		if (error)
-			goto done;
-		if (rt->tag_commit != NULL) {
-			newline = strchr(rt->tag_commit, '\n');
-			if (newline)
-				*newline = '\0';
-			error = gotweb_escape_html(&msg, rt->tag_commit);
-			if (error)
-				goto done;
-		}
-		if (fcgi_printf(c, "<div class='tag_age'>%s</div>\n"
-		    "<div class='tag'>%s</div>\n"
-		    "<div class='tag_log'>", age, tagname) == -1)
-			goto done;
-		r = gotweb_link(c, &(struct gotweb_url){
-			.action = TAG,
-			.index_page = -1,
-			.page = -1,
-			.path = repo_dir->name,
-			.commit = rt->commit_id,
-		    }, "%s", msg ? msg : "");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-		if (fcgi_printf(c, "</div>\n"	/* .tag_log */
-		    "<div class='navs_wrapper'>\n"
-		    "<div class='navs'>") == -1)
-			goto done;
-		r = gotweb_link(c, &(struct gotweb_url){
-			.action = TAG,
-			.index_page = -1,
-			.page = -1,
-			.path = repo_dir->name,
-			.commit = rt->commit_id,
-		    }, "tag");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-		if (fcgi_printf(c, " | ") == -1)
-			goto done;
-		r = gotweb_link(c, &(struct gotweb_url){
-			.action = BRIEFS,
-			.index_page = -1,
-			.page = -1,
-			.path = repo_dir->name,
-			.commit = rt->commit_id,
-		    }, "commit briefs");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-		if (fcgi_printf(c, " | ") == -1)
-			goto done;
-		r = gotweb_link(c, &(struct gotweb_url){
-			.action = COMMITS,
-			.index_page = -1,
-			.page = -1,
-			.path = repo_dir->name,
-			.commit = rt->commit_id,
-		    }, "commits");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-		r = fcgi_printf(c,
-		    "</div>\n"	/* .navs */
-		    "</div>\n"	/* .navs_wrapper */
-		    "<div class='dotted_line'></div>\n");
-		if (r == -1)
-			goto done;
-		free(age);
-		age = NULL;
-		free(tagname);
-		tagname = NULL;
-		free(msg);
-		msg = NULL;
-	}
-	if (t->next_id || t->prev_id) {
-		if (gotweb_render_navs(c->tp) == -1)
-			goto done;
-	}
-	fcgi_printf(c, "</div>\n"); /* #tags_content */
-	free(age);
-	free(tagname);
-	free(msg);
 	return error;
blob - e633c57fe7cd48fed7a5ed3beb070b4acddc97c9
file + gotwebd/gotwebd.h
--- gotwebd/gotwebd.h
+++ gotwebd/gotwebd.h
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ int	gotweb_render_rss(struct template *);
 int	gotweb_render_commits(struct template *);
 int	gotweb_render_blob(struct template *, struct got_blob_object *);
 int	gotweb_render_tree(struct template *);
+int	gotweb_render_tags_tmpl(struct template *);
 int	gotweb_render_rss(struct template *);
 /* parse.y */
blob - 4990d4532fe8a87678d718337343c8101501b84d
file + gotwebd/pages.tmpl
--- gotwebd/pages.tmpl
+++ gotwebd/pages.tmpl
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ static inline int rss_tag_item(struct template *, stru
 static int gotweb_render_blob_line(struct template *, const char *, size_t);
 static int gotweb_render_tree_item(struct template *, struct got_tree_entry *);
+static inline int tag_item(struct template *, struct repo_tag *);
 static inline int rss_tag_item(struct template *, struct repo_tag *);
 static inline int rss_author(struct template *, char *);
@@ -568,6 +569,86 @@ gotweb_render_age(struct template *tp, time_t time, in
 {{ end }}
+{{ define gotweb_render_tags_tmpl(struct template *tp) }}
+	struct request		*c = tp->tp_arg;
+	struct transport	*t = c->t;
+	struct querystring	*qs = t->qs;
+	struct repo_tag		*rt;
+	int			 commit_found;
+	commit_found = qs->commit == NULL;
+<div id="tags_title_wrapper">
+  <div id="tags_title">Tags</div>
+<div id="tags_content">
+  {{ if t->tag_count == 0 }}
+    <div id="err_content">
+      This repository contains no tags
+    </div>
+  {{ else }}
+    {{ tailq-foreach rt &t->repo_tags entry }}
+      {{ if commit_found || !strcmp(qs->commit, rt->commit_id) }}
+        {! commit_found = 1; !}
+        {{ render tag_item(tp, rt) }}
+      {{ end }}
+    {{ end }}
+    {{ if t->next_id || t->prev_id }}
+      {{ render gotweb_render_navs(tp) }}
+    {{ end }}
+  {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ define tag_item(struct template *tp, struct repo_tag *rt) }}
+	struct request		*c = tp->tp_arg;
+	struct transport	*t = c->t;
+	struct repo_dir		*repo_dir = t->repo_dir;
+	char			*tag_name = rt->tag_name;
+	char			*msg = rt->tag_commit;
+	char			*nl;
+	struct gotweb_url	 url = {
+		.action = TAG,
+		.index_page = -1,
+		.page = -1,
+		.path = repo_dir->name,
+		.commit = rt->commit_id,
+	};
+	if (strncmp(tag_name, "refs/tags/", 10) == 0)
+		tag_name += 10;
+	if (msg) {
+		nl = strchr(rt->tag_commit, '\n');
+		if (nl)
+			*nl = '\0';
+	}
+<div class="tag_age">
+  {{ render gotweb_render_age(tp, rt->tagger_time, TM_DIFF) }}
+<div class="tag">{{ tag_name }}</div>
+<div class="tag_log">
+  <a href="{{ render gotweb_render_url(c, &url) }}">
+    {{ msg }}
+  </a>
+<div class="navs_wrapper">
+  <div class="navs">
+    <a href="{{ render gotweb_render_url(c, &url) }}">tag</a>
+    {{ " | " }}
+    {! url.action = BRIEFS; !}
+    <a href="{{ render gotweb_render_url(c, &url) }}">commit briefs</a>
+    {{ " | " }}
+    {! url.action = COMMITS; !}
+    <a href="{{ render gotweb_render_url(c, &url) }}">commits</a>
+  </div>
+<div class="dotted_line"></div>
+{{ end }}
 {{ define gotweb_render_rss(struct template *tp) }}
 	struct request		*c = tp->tp_arg;