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Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name>
Re: got backout/cherrypick auto commit
Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.com>, Game of Trees <gameoftrees@openbsd.org>
Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:31:05 +0100

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On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 11:19:28AM +0100, Omar Polo wrote:
> one quick comment is that I'd prefer if we still open the editor to
> allow the commit message to be edited (without a got update -c && got
> histedit -m dance), especially for backout at list, where you might
> want to add something to why you're reverting the commit.

Agreed, opening an editor would be nice and more user-friendly.
There could be an option to skip the editor (e.g. for scripts),
as done for commit -F.

Something to consider: Our implementation currently assumes that
unveil() inherits across fork+exec (because I was told to write it
that way at a hackathon). This means we cannot use unveil before
starting an arbitrary program like an editor because we don't know
what this program will need. This in turn means the entire merge
would run without unveil(), at least up to the point where the
editor exits and the commit gets created.

I don't think this assumption about unveil matches current reality
(unveil does not inherit). I don't know if they gave up on this
idea or if work on this aspect of unveil will resume at some point.

Either way, we could decide to always open the editor and delay
unveil, or even not use it at all, when -a is used. Not a big loss.