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Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name>
Re: struct vs buffers for got_imsg_tree_entry
Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Wed, 1 Feb 2023 19:37:45 +0100

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On Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 05:55:15PM +0100, Omar Polo wrote:
> Not as straightforward as the other diffs. The struct
> got_parse_tree_entry keeps a pointer to the ID in the parsed tree
> buffer so we need to reconstruct the got_object_id from that.  I've
> done so in the function send_tree_entries_batch, although we could
> also do that directly when parsing.  I went with the former to avoid
> going thru the rabbit hole of changing got_parsed_tree_entry too.
> We'll get to that later.
> This is needed because I'd like to transmit only structs got_object_id
> over imsg and don't want to run into issue should that struct be
> changed (*wink*).  The downside is that we introduce a memcpy
> (actually, double, imsg_add is another implcit memcpy) that might
> impact runtime.

struct got_imsg_tree_entry already used got_object_id before
this commit: e033d8037031ecafbf4a99c69c25f1be778ef9d3 

I would like to keep tree entry parsing free of memcpy as much
as possible in got-read-tree and especially got-read-pack.
Considerable work went into this before, with repeated profiling etc.

Could we use a special-case abstraction just for this layer?
When adding sha256 support we could grow the ID array to the new
maximum size, and keep pointers to the ID buffer as it is done now?
Both SHA1 and SHA256 would then fit into this buffer:

 -	char id[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];
 +	char id[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];

And we might perhaps need a flag or length field to tell us how
much valid data can be found in the buffer. Though such a field
would probably be redundant global repository format info, which
we would need to keep around anyway. In the parent process there would
be a struct repository available which would tell us which ID format
is being used. And the helpers would likewise need this information
to parse objects correctly, so they should also be able to tell how
to populate this particular struct correctly.