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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Re: got patch: Result too large
Christian Weisgerber <naddy@mips.inka.de>
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:31:08 +0100

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On 2023/02/07 15:33:19 +0100, Christian Weisgerber <naddy@mips.inka.de> wrote:
> Oh noes, I can't apply afresh1's perl 5.36.0 patch to the OpenBSD
> src tree!
> $ cd /usr/src
> $ got patch -n ~/perl-5.36.0.patch
> got: Result too large
> afresh1 already warned me that OpenBSD patch(1) doesn't cope and
> GNU patch is required, so this isn't surprising.  I thought I'd
> still report it, though.
> Here's the offender:
> https://cvs.afresh1.com/~andrew/perl-update/perl-5.36.0.patch.gz

that's a nice diff!

the ERANGE error comes from got-read-patch.c:460:

	458	if (imsg_compose(&ibuf, GOT_IMSG_PATCH_LINE, 0, 0, -1,
	459	    line, strlen(line) + 1) == -1)
	460	        err = got_error_from_errno(
	461	            "imsg_compose GOT_IMSG_PATCH_LINE");

the line in question is 24722 bytes long, so it's too big for imsg.

Now, sending the (parsed) lines of the diff via imsg one at a time is
not a great idea.  It is like this because I wanted to have the
parsing in a separate helper (everything got parses is in a separate
helper, would seem strange to hadle patches in the main process,
although they're trivial to parse.)  Maybe i should set up a pipe or a
temp file between the two processes and just send the offsets via
imsg.  could even batch like we're doing with the tree entries.

will take a look once i'm done with the first round of sha256 patches,
thanks! :)

(i'm curious why patch(1) fails tho...)