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Christian Weisgerber <naddy@mips.inka.de>
Re: Poor fetching from gotd
Sun, 26 Feb 2023 20:13:16 +0100

Download raw body.

Christian Weisgerber:

> Fetching performs poorly.  It is very slow and appears to always
> download at least ~3 MB of data.

$ cd got.git/objects/pack
$ ls -lrt *.pack | tail -5
-rw-r--r--  1 naddy  naddy   427612 Feb  6 16:25 pack-e2fdbbeab037003a8c7f9c2d6fba537b654bf820.pack
-rw-r--r--  1 naddy  naddy   495086 Feb 22 23:49 pack-b8bcfda4d9210d5f36ec7d6afa09ddb7c7e39226.pack
-rw-r--r--  1 naddy  naddy  3203102 Feb 23 19:03 pack-58058359ebaf239fa80ccf02737a1c0430ccb6b9.pack
-rw-r--r--  1 naddy  naddy  3230094 Feb 25 17:04 pack-d53d7b1a2932b4f0d7e9b5d33197ef09abc5f2a8.pack
-rw-r--r--  1 naddy  naddy  3234283 Feb 26 16:10 pack-e568a08d8cc5a396b3e1cb52c9109acaf9ca4026.pack

I think those last three packs are the fetches since I switched to

$ gotadmin ls pack-e568a08d8cc5a396b3e1cb52c9109acaf9ca4026.pack | wc
    5627   41832  482462

Well, that's a lot.

Comparing only the first field, the hash, from gotadmin ls's output
shows that the packs are largely redundant:

47 new hashes from pack-5805835 to pack-d53d7b1.
5 new hashes from pack-d53d7b1 to pack-e568a08.

The thousands of other hashes are the same.  So got(1) now appears
to be downloading the same stuff over and over again.  That doesn't
seem right.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          naddy@mips.inka.de