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Ted Bullock <tbullock@comlore.com>
vi struggling to save commit messages
Tue, 7 Mar 2023 19:41:05 -0700

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I'm getting this when I try to commit a file now that got has switched
to vi instead of ed. :P

vi reports:
logmsg-vu6jOR: file modified more recently than this copy

My got working directory is shared on an NFS mount since my old Sun
workstation is quite thin and doesn't have much of a hdd.

I double checked the time on the NFS server, it's correct and consistent
with the workstation.

I initiated the commit at 19:30 and the temp message has a valid
timestamp as far as I can tell.

-rw-------   1 tbullock  tbullock    189 Mar  7 19:30 logmsg-vu6jOR

I can force the commit by giving vi the :w! command instead of just
closing it out with ZZ but it's not a muscle I've used before.