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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
Re: optimize tree_path_changed()
Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name>
Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:23:21 +0200

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On 2023/04/23 23:45:45 +0200, Stefan Sperling <stsp@stsp.name> wrote:
> This patch avoids having to parse and sort all entries of two trees
> in order to figure out whether a particular entry has changed.
> Instead, we now decode entries one-by-one until we find an entry that
> matches the path being logged. We also compare entries in the on-disk
> sorting order rather than got_path_cmp() order. As long as the order
> is stable (which it is supposed to be on disk) this works as avoids
> having to sort thousands of entries over and over when traversing a
> large repository like freebsd-ports.git. Other parts of Got still rely
> on got_path_cmp() order and are not affected by this change.
> ok?

haven't done any benchmarking, but it reads fine and regress is passing.

ok op@