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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com>
why got merge creates a commit immediately?
Sun, 18 Jun 2023 21:00:40 +0200

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I usually prefer a linear history so I've never used 'got merge' until
last week.  I also wasn't a user of 'git merge' before, so please
apologize if these comments sounds naive.

There are two things that suprised me when I ran 'got merge branch':

 1. it immediately creates a commit; needs -n to avoid so.

    I've started to appreciate more and more how got backout or got
    cherrypick don't create commits by default.  Being able to inspect
    the changes on the worktree (not that I don't trust diff3 ;-) and
    running tests and whatnot before committing is invaluable.

 2. i can't change the message.  the default is fine, but maybe
    including an excerpt of the commits being merged (I know, it's not
    exactly what happens since it merges trees, but still) or anyway
    leaving up to me to tweak the message would be nice.

I'm not proposing any diff as I'd like to know how much of this is by
design and how much still open for changes.
