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sylvain@saboua.me <sylvain@saboua.me>
Re: [gotwebd] Set default displayed file
"Omar Polo" <op@omarpolo.com>
Wed, 05 Mar 2025 07:27:49 +0100

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Omar Polo <op@omarpolo.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> sylvain@saboua.me <sylvain@saboua.me> wrote:
> > I gladly managed to set up my own got server (got.saboua.xyz).
> > It currently has one embryo of a fork project in it.
> that's great! :)
Thanks ! Although I retracted for now and only put my old and current
website's source instead.
(see why @ https://www.reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/1j32tkb/)

> > The file that gets displayed by default is not ideal,
> > the README.md shows up with all the mandoc macros.
> let me say thought that I'd expect a .md file to be markdown (although
> i've just realized that it could also stand for ManDoc :D)
Oh ! I thought both were a similar kind of thing indeed ;p

> > Hence I am wondering if I may change/set the default displayed
> > file, either by filename or configuration ?
> at the moment the pattern is hardcoded, please see
> gotwebd/got_operations.c:754-759.
Thank you for the reference

> Looking around there doesn't seem to be a cross-tool way to configure
> the readme to use: cgit has its own way to customize it per-repo
> (cgitrc), stagit has an hardcoded list (README and README.md), and
> gitweb I'm not sure.
> We could either add our own specific key under the gotweb section in the
> git config, or maybe we can just make the static list customizable
> per-instance instead of per-repository.
No worries ! As it's done now is best for simplicity and clarity of mind, methinks
One could just add a symlink to either README.lang in order to display the
README in a default language.

> Cheers,
> Omar Polo

Sylvain Saboua