From: James Cook Subject: fast-forwarding To: Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 04:54:39 +0000 Hi list, I brought something similar up on IRC on Feb 24; maybe it's good to have this on the list. Consider this commit graph where the branch "feature" is ahead of main: o <- feature |\ o o <- main |/ o As far as I can tell, got doesn't support a simple way to "fast-forward" main to point to feature in this situation. got integrate fails with: got: specified branch must be rebased first Am I correct to assume this is working as intended? (In a similar context it was explained on IRC that 'got integrate' is intended for a particular use case not general fast-forwards.) A similar situation where I've wanted to use "got integrate" in the past: o <- origin/main | o <- main In both cases I'd love the ability to simply fast-forward in one command. Two ideas came up on IRC at the time: - Make "got merge" fast-forward when possible. (Possible conflict: some users may want the ability to explicitly create a merge commit even when they could have fast-forwarded. E.g. I've seen this recommended when merging pull requests: then the commit graph clearly distinguishes between the proposed change and the act of merging it into the main branch; this would be lost if main were simply fast forwarded to the pull request's commit. I don't know if got wants to support creating this kind of merge commit, and if so, whether it should be the default or fast-forwarding should be the default.) - Add a "got fastforward -b other" command which updates the current branch to point to "other", as long as "other" is a successor to the current branch. Either one would also be useful to me. I don't know which which be more consistent with got's philosophy (or if neither is) but if there's enthusiasm for either one, I could try implementing it. (Might be a little while before I have time.) -- James