From: Omar Polo Subject: Re: [gotwebd] Set default displayed file To: "" Cc: Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:02:54 +0100 Hello, wrote: > I gladly managed to set up my own got server ( > It currently has one embryo of a fork project in it. that's great! :) > The file that gets displayed by default is not ideal, > the shows up with all the mandoc macros. let me say thought that I'd expect a .md file to be markdown (although i've just realized that it could also stand for ManDoc :D) > Hence I am wondering if I may change/set the default displayed > file, either by filename or configuration ? at the moment the pattern is hardcoded, please see gotwebd/got_operations.c:754-759. Looking around there doesn't seem to be a cross-tool way to configure the readme to use: cgit has its own way to customize it per-repo (cgitrc), stagit has an hardcoded list (README and, and gitweb I'm not sure. We could either add our own specific key under the gotweb section in the git config, or maybe we can just make the static list customizable per-instance instead of per-repository. Cheers, Omar Polo