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Mark Jamsek <mark@jamsek.com>
Re: tog: base commit marker in limit view
Mikhail <mp39590@gmail.com>
Sat, 12 Aug 2023 18:14:08 +1000

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Mikhail <mp39590@gmail.com> wrote:
> In limit view (&) tog shows base commit marker on the first commit every
> time.
> Inlined patch removes the marker if we are in limit view.
> diff /home/misha/work/got
> commit - 123cba5ad6fe36893f2019bb0a806db3f3139dde
> path + /home/misha/work/got
> blob - c4839d1c9023a068753142f189620d39826b0968
> file + tog/tog.c
> --- tog/tog.c
> +++ tog/tog.c
> @@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ draw_commit(struct tog_view *view, struct commit_queue
>  	while (col < avail && author_width < author_display_cols + 2) {
>  		if (tog_base_commit.marker != GOT_WORKTREE_STATE_UNKNOWN &&
>  		    author_width == marker_column &&
> -		    entry->idx == tog_base_commit.idx) {
> +		    entry->idx == tog_base_commit.idx && !s->limit_view) {
>  			tc = get_color(&s->colors, TOG_COLOR_COMMIT);
>  			if (tc)
>  				wattr_on(view->window,

Thanks, Mikhail! I completely forgot about the limit option. This is
another ideal test case too, which I'll add to the list :)

While the proposed patch is indeed better than the current behaviour,
I don't think it is the best way to do this because it will fail to show
the marker if the limit view does contain the base commit.

For example, in a work tree with the current HEAD, '&log<CR>' will keep
the base commit in view but the marker will not be drawn.

The below patch improves on this so that if the base commit is listed in
the limit view, it will be marked.

diffstat cb9ee4449db34bd1b965700eb1c457356d056b4d 411983e6da8306e29542c10edf1c007693985bd5
 M  tog/tog.c  |  22+  10-

1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff cb9ee4449db34bd1b965700eb1c457356d056b4d 411983e6da8306e29542c10edf1c007693985bd5
commit - cb9ee4449db34bd1b965700eb1c457356d056b4d
commit + 411983e6da8306e29542c10edf1c007693985bd5
blob - d0f674078d9fb63ad070889a2c85507fd302daf3
blob + d7555b4e32e0428476d82933549bb8f17cd73603
--- tog/tog.c
+++ tog/tog.c
@@ -2404,6 +2404,20 @@ static const struct got_error *
 	    col_tab_align, 0);
+static void
+draw_base_commit_marker(struct tog_view *view)
+	struct tog_log_view_state	*s = &view->state.log;
+	struct tog_color		*tc;
+	tc = get_color(&s->colors, TOG_COLOR_COMMIT);
+	if (tc != NULL)
+		wattr_on(view->window, COLOR_PAIR(tc->colorpair), NULL);
+	waddch(view->window, tog_base_commit.marker);
+	if (tc != NULL)
+		wattr_off(view->window, COLOR_PAIR(tc->colorpair), NULL);
 static const struct got_error *
 draw_commit(struct tog_view *view, struct commit_queue_entry *entry,
     const size_t date_display_cols, int author_display_cols)
@@ -2498,16 +2512,14 @@ draw_commit(struct tog_view *view, struct commit_queue
 	while (col < avail && author_width < author_display_cols + 2) {
 		if (tog_base_commit.marker != GOT_WORKTREE_STATE_UNKNOWN &&
 		    author_width == marker_column &&
-		    entry->idx == tog_base_commit.idx) {
-			tc = get_color(&s->colors, TOG_COLOR_COMMIT);
-			if (tc)
-				wattr_on(view->window,
-				    COLOR_PAIR(tc->colorpair), NULL);
-			waddch(view->window, tog_base_commit.marker);
-			if (tc)
-				wattr_off(view->window,
-				    COLOR_PAIR(tc->colorpair), NULL);
-		} else
+		    entry->idx == tog_base_commit.idx && !s->limit_view)
+			draw_base_commit_marker(view);
+		else if (s->limit_view && author_width == marker_column &&
+		    tog_base_commit.marker != GOT_WORKTREE_STATE_UNKNOWN &&
+		    tog_base_commit.id != NULL &&
+		    got_object_id_cmp(id, tog_base_commit.id) == 0)
+			draw_base_commit_marker(view);
+		else
 			waddch(view->window, ' ');

Mark Jamsek <https://bsdbox.org>
GPG: F2FF 13DE 6A06 C471 CA80  E6E2 2930 DC66 86EE CF68